Donnerstag, 19. März 2009

A night like before

Oh my god. Listen, the last night was like the nighst before she got pregnant. I was so drunk, i can hardly remember anything. I hope i don't cheated on her >.< No i don't think so, but it felt really well to be drunken. I lived in my own world, where everything is going after my mind and that felt really well. Like heaven god damned. My wife hates alcohol, her father died because of drinking, but i don't care. It's the only thing that keeps me happy. If i'm not drunk i think about suicide you know ? And that really scares me. Theres the fear from my inside. And it keeps my mind dark, just drunken theres a light inside. Lets keep it shiny.
Please pray ! Pray that i'm going to survive the next night. But don't pray for me, pray for my baby. I'm out of this shit.

Goodbye and thanks for listening.

Cheerz henryk

The last way to get out

Okay the situation is tensed, my wife has again just eyes for the baby. I'm just the person next, just an underexposed fool. Sorry, i like this word xP I think the last door out is named Alcohol. Yeah aufter this post i'm going to the castlebar and drink a little bit. Okey, a bit much. I hope i'm going to feel better after that. Wish me luck.

Cheers Henryk

the problem is the baby xD

Oh yesterdays was the finest day ever!
Anna (my wife^^) gave our baby to another family to take care of it for one day.
And this one day was OUR day (oh yeah xD)
Yes, it was the Anna and Henryk day and it was one of the most gorgeous, beautifl and lovely day I've ever had!
Sorry, I mean that WE ever had!
Anna and me spent the whole day together and it seemed like it had been the times before we've got the baby.
Well, please don't get me wrong, but without the baby we had so much more time for us and the nice things in life.
But now.. there's this baby... well, I like it very much, but it's tearing Anna an me apart... :(
Uhm... don't know what to write now...

Never mind, see you soon



omg I'm an idiot xD

ooohh..I'm sorry about what I've written yesterday .. (about this getting rid-thing..)
Of course I don't want to get rid of my baby.. I was just a bit..let's call it annoyed..^^
but today everything is better (:
my nose is getting smaller again and my leg is nearly healed :D:D:D:D (THANK GOD!!)
even Anna is screaming a bit less today :D (THANK GOD AGAAAIN !!! I really should pray to him for that...)
fortunately I can see all the positive things about beeing a father again :)
mhh it's now 9 in the morning and I'm really well-rested (for the first time since the baby was born) won't believe how good that feels !
The two Annas are still sleeping and I'm enjoying the great silence in here :D
After posting this, I will go and make (or try to make) breakfast.. I hope this effort to make something to eat won't fail like my last one :/
oh by the way.. I've talked to Anna about this sex thing ..
and she understands me :D (oh I forgot how loveable she is)
she also said, that as soon as the baby gets a bit older and sleeps a bit more, we'll have more time together..I hope it's getting better soon :D
and I'm really looking forward to this.. you can believe me ! ^^
well.. I'll go and get some milk's breakfast time soon :D
yours henryk

I hate babys

At the beginning she was the best thing what happened to me... But now i just want to get rid of her. She's permanently shouting, she cries all day and she even bites in my nose. That's too much. my wife can't understand my anger but it's not far that i'm going to explode. Baby here, baby there the baby is just everywhere ! I mean there's not time for sex or other things wich are important in the realationsship between my wife and me. That's really unfair and i'm not able to life on like that.
I want my baby to disappear, and i think she's going to ;)


Stressful life

Not in my dreams I had ever thougth that a baby could be so annoying. Of course, I love her more than everything, but sometimes, there are moments, for example when she is the hole time screaming like a sirene or when she has the idea that it could be very funny to pelt her father [that's me XD] with her meal, in such moments, she is really getting on my nerves.
Today, she had the great idea to bite in my nose. I know, it sounds a BIT unbelievable, but she actually bit in my nose. And you can't imagine how it hurts to be bitten by a baby, even though it has no teeth.
Now, not only my leg, which is still red and hurts [but the blisters had already left^^], also my nose is enourmes big and it has the same coloure like a tomato. "Hooooooot"
Okay, I have to come to an end, I think Anna had started crying.


Me and my baby (;

Omg it was a gorgeous day for me!
As time goes by and meantime my leg's getting better and I'm able to lie on the right side again^^
I was very auspicious about it and took Anna (the little one^^) with me into the garden.
I placed a blanket on the ground and sat down.
Omg Anna is a very amazing baby and hell, I'm so glad about having her and being her father. While I was playing with my little girl my wife Anna appeared and sat down,too.
Omg we're such a gorgeous, happy family and I wish that I'll never lose them.♥


A great day!

I think today was one of the most thrilling days in my whole life. o.O
The parents of Anna came and looked at their first grandchild. They looked at Anna jr. and smiled over their whole face. It was a very good feeling.
After that we ate a very deliscious meal and the parents of Anna really liked our food (god save the queen o.O xD)
After our meal we went to bed and Anna jr. really sleeped for some hours. That was very nice I think because Anna and I are so tired and so we were able to sleep for some hours.

I'm sooooo tired

Can you imageine how it is to sleep with a burned leg? I don't think so... =(
First i tried to sleep but then Anna Jr. started crying the whole night... it was really the most terrible night I've ever had. I think I will go to the bedroom and sleep for 2 hours or something like that. I really love my baby but imagine you are as badly hurt as me and you are trying to sleep fpr some hours and then your baby cries the whole night... o.O It's very horrible... So then good night!

My burned leg -.-

Today, I had a very nice meeting with the doctor. Do you want to know why? Because of my fucking burned leg!! After my pathetic effort to cook and my nice confrontation with the 100 degrees hot soup, I wasn't able to walk anymore. After my wife coped with the huge shock, she quickly took the doctor in.
After I showed him my reddish leg with all the blisters, he also screamed. I was nearly crying, but I have to pretend, I am a strong man and so I laughed.
The doctor gave me a salve and a very big bandage for my poor hurt and fire red leg.
That night won't be very comfortable, because I am not allowed to lie on the right side.
Good night.


the first day with the baby :D :) :/ :( :C

Yesterday I tried to cook the best meal ever for me, my wife and of course for my new beautiful little baby. =D First, everything went perfectly well. The soup was cooking nicely and I looked at my creation with the biggest smile I had.
Then, my little darling, Anna (the baby ;)) failed my plans of a dream dinner with her terrible screaming. Anna, my wife, was taking a shower and I got a little bit nervous when Anna was crying louder than before. She had this terrifying red face and she was near to explode.
Immediately I ran to her, but unfortunately I dropped the pot full of soup exactly on my right leg. With this fucking hot water on my hip I screamed, little Anna screamed and my wife left the bathroom, saw this mess and screamed too. the end.... we called the pizza service.


Mittwoch, 18. März 2009


yeeeeeah FINALLY the baby is here :D
and I can tell you she (yeaaah fortunately it's girl) is soo beautiful
just like her mom (:
we also named her Anna - after her mother !
well now my days as a young wild man are finally over,
from now on, I'll be a Dad (omg that sounds soo great!)
and I'm gonna be the BEST dad you can imagine !!
I'll work hard to afford the best life for my daughter and of course my wife !
oooh my God I have to eat something..
I was so nervous that I haven't been able to eat anything in the last three days..
I am soo hungry
HA! Now i know what I'll do !
I'm gonna cook the BEST meal for Anna and me, because we have to celebrate this day !
And we also have to celebrate our common time, which is surely getting less and less.. :(
well, goodbye then !
and wish me luck, cuz I am a really bad cook :/

The day!

Anna is lying in her bedroom with a doctor and gets the baby now. Sometimes I can hear her screams and then I'm really afraid of her. But she will manage it and then we will have our first child. I'm so happy about all that!!! I have not much time because every minute she will ask for me an d then I have to come into her room!! bey

Baby time!!!

our baby is comming! In a few days my wife Anna will get our baby. It is a girl a think, no I hope it is a girl, because the room for the baby is pink and to much girls like for a boy. But if it is a boy I will have a heir apparent that I can learn to fight and to ride and that will also be much fun!
I'm so nervous! I cannot await the baby! and I love the stomach of my wife. she is so pretty with it. I really love her!

Montag, 16. März 2009

Feels like heaven

I never thought that this would ever happen... But i really found a wife wich i want to have a family with. I'm sooo exited. We already have a own room for the baby. It's painted pink, full of bling bling stars and a big golden bed. Okeeey i'm yealous, i want to have the room as my bedroom. But i'm not tight enough to have such a room, it's to buisness for me. But the moment will come, and then it will be mine !!! Never mind. Now she's pregnant for 8 month, yesterday i touched her stomach and i felt her tiny feet kicking against it. I can't describe what i felt at that moment. It was like the best thing wich i ever felt.



OMG!! I'm so nervous! my wife is even a few days pregnant, but I'm as nervous as I become a father in a few days. the whole castle is full with things for the baby and our worker are working for a own room for it. I know it is a bit too soon for all that things, but I'm so happy and want the time to pass!! Today I touched Anna's stomach because I want to touch the baby. I know that it is very small at the time, but I want to touch it.
till tomorrow your Henryk

Sonntag, 15. März 2009

Baby Baby Baby !!

OMG now ♥Anna's really pregnant and I still can't believe that I'm going to become a father in the next months !
Nearly every day we go shopping and buy some things for the baby, oh you don't know how much a baby needs, do you?!
Yesterday we bought a crib, swaddling bands, comforters, baby clothes, and so on...
We bought so many things, I can't remeber everything we bought.
Well, I'm extremely happy about that all and in the next weeks I'll try to behave more mature and adult.
Wish me luck, dudes ! ☺


Donnerstag, 12. März 2009

news ! news ! news !!!!

dear diary,
omg i have to tell you something important !
well in the last few days I was a bit upset, because I thought Anna was sick.
She feels nauseous all the time and doesn't want to eat ANYTHING
so i took her to the doctor's but this miserable medic
didn't know what's wrong with her.. we know it: my beautiful wife is going to get a BABY !!
yeeah she's pregnant!
and I'm still shocked.
i mean, it's not, that I didn't want any children from her
but actually I'm a bit scared..
I can't imagine myself as a father, at least not as a 'good' one..
I think I'm still too childish inside my mind to even pretend to be a father..
omg I have to really GROW UP
aaahh I'm so nervous, even though I know, I won't become a dad in the next few months..
how long this is..


Dienstag, 10. März 2009

Dear Diary!

mood: gorgeous

I'm really happy 'cause Anna kept her promise. That shows that she really loves me.
She helped the cleaning personal by cleaning up out castle-apartment and she cooked a very delicious meal for me. I must say..I'm really proud of her. She said that it'll remain so. Despite she's very dominant you can talk and discuss with her very well. I love her so much, more than before. I'll think after this difficulties in the beginning we will be a very happe couple!


Montag, 9. März 2009

Dear Diary

Today I had a very long talk with my wife Anna because of our problems in our realation-ship. We sat down on the bank in our garden and talked for hours.
After our conversation Anna promised me to change and she said that she wants to become the same like she had been before our wedding.
Now I'm very anxious if she'll keep her promise.
We'll see...
See you soon, henryk.


Dear Diary

Mood: apathetic

Now we're married since 3 days, and I must confess that I imagined the marriage with anna quite different than it is now.
She is such a lazy and incompetent wife what depends the household.
I mean, there cleaning personal but she has to do a few things too. Anna is a very difficult person and very dominant.
Omg she has a really strong personality and I think till we have children there will pass much time.
And now I have this strange feeling and I'm not as happy as I was at our marriage.
I hope it will change soon.



Both of us, Anna and I, we're very tired because of the wedding, the after-show party and the night. We relaxed the whole day long.
It was a very beautiful wedding yesterday and I'm very happy now :D
And now we are thinking about some children.
About 6 children or something...

Sonntag, 8. März 2009

again: wedding day (11 p.m.)

haha now I'm finally at home!!
OMG this day was really the best day of my whole life
we sang a lot in the church, afterwards we ate tooo much cake (I'm still feeling nauseous), then of course we got drunk ( and sang again xD) and then partied and danced the whole evening :D
well I'm sorry I can't describe you all the details, 'cuz it would be too much
and my WIFE (oh what a beautiful word) is waiting for me in the bedroom *haha*
well so have a nice evening ( night )
I will xD
all the best the now married henryk

Mittwoch, 4. März 2009

WEDDING DAY !! (5 am.)

I'm not able to sleep any more!
Today is the greatest day of my whole life
so I'm extreeeeeeeeemely nervous (you see it's 5 am. and I'm blogging things xD)
anyway I would not be able to sleep without anna by my side..
(yeeah there couldn't be a better woman for me ♥)
oohh I'm missing her, even though I haven't seen her for just a few hours.
(It's not allowed to sleep next to your future wife in the night before the marriage.
well I'm sooo curious what will happen today.
Anna will look even more beautiful than ever (which is really hard to believe for me..)
and I'm gonna wear my new long red cape which I have just bought for this wedding (and I can tell you it is the most expensive thing I've ever owned)
aahh my fingers are shaking
i have to try to sleep again..
otherwise I'll fall asleep during our marriage
well..wish me good luck

Montag, 2. März 2009

Dear diary!"

Today my brothers and sisters came to visit. It was horrible. They all take their wives and husbands with them and the complete castle was full. We ate and drank till three in the morning and now I have a horrible headache. They stay at my castle for the whole week because on Monday I marry Anna. She is really the most beautiful woman in the world and I want to have many children with her. I’m a bit scary because of the marriage, but I know that I love her and want to live with her my whole life till I’m dying.

Till tomorrow your Henry

I'm so happy!

Today I met Anna. I was very nervous because I had a gift for her. I wanted to asked Anna if she wanted to marry me. I told our goldsmith to make a beautiful ring for Anna and today it was finished. So I asked Anna if she wanted to marry me and she said “Yes, I want to”
I thought I was in heaven. Nearly I fell on the earth because I was so happy. And then I kissed her and fell like the most happy man on earth.

Our Date <3

Today we had our first date and I'm soooooo in love with my beautiful girl anna.
We went to this castle where it gives this very delicious food and I really ate much!
After that we went to a theatre and watched a very interesting performance.
At 22.00 I brought Anna at home with my chariot and brouhght her to the door of her beautiful castle. And suddenly it happened *__*
I looked into her eyes and kissed her. It was such a beautiful experience. She is such a nice and warmheartet girl. I think I'm in love... <33
Surprise, surprise

Omg *-* something wonderful had happened! You won't believe! I told you guys about this gorgeous girl I met on my way in the forest. I saw her again!
Yesterday we had a huge party on our castle. Everyone around was invited! First I had not much fun, because I thought of her all the time and I was very dissapointed from myself because I had behaved so incompetent. And suddenly I saw her on the buffet. I couldn't believe, but now I had to do something. And I did something xD
We had a nice conversation and I really think she likes me. I'm so happy! We will meet soon so I'm looking forward to my first date with her.
Oh by the way...her name is anna.