Donnerstag, 19. März 2009

the first day with the baby :D :) :/ :( :C

Yesterday I tried to cook the best meal ever for me, my wife and of course for my new beautiful little baby. =D First, everything went perfectly well. The soup was cooking nicely and I looked at my creation with the biggest smile I had.
Then, my little darling, Anna (the baby ;)) failed my plans of a dream dinner with her terrible screaming. Anna, my wife, was taking a shower and I got a little bit nervous when Anna was crying louder than before. She had this terrifying red face and she was near to explode.
Immediately I ran to her, but unfortunately I dropped the pot full of soup exactly on my right leg. With this fucking hot water on my hip I screamed, little Anna screamed and my wife left the bathroom, saw this mess and screamed too. the end.... we called the pizza service.


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