Mittwoch, 18. März 2009


yeeeeeah FINALLY the baby is here :D
and I can tell you she (yeaaah fortunately it's girl) is soo beautiful
just like her mom (:
we also named her Anna - after her mother !
well now my days as a young wild man are finally over,
from now on, I'll be a Dad (omg that sounds soo great!)
and I'm gonna be the BEST dad you can imagine !!
I'll work hard to afford the best life for my daughter and of course my wife !
oooh my God I have to eat something..
I was so nervous that I haven't been able to eat anything in the last three days..
I am soo hungry
HA! Now i know what I'll do !
I'm gonna cook the BEST meal for Anna and me, because we have to celebrate this day !
And we also have to celebrate our common time, which is surely getting less and less.. :(
well, goodbye then !
and wish me luck, cuz I am a really bad cook :/

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