Donnerstag, 19. März 2009

Stressful life

Not in my dreams I had ever thougth that a baby could be so annoying. Of course, I love her more than everything, but sometimes, there are moments, for example when she is the hole time screaming like a sirene or when she has the idea that it could be very funny to pelt her father [that's me XD] with her meal, in such moments, she is really getting on my nerves.
Today, she had the great idea to bite in my nose. I know, it sounds a BIT unbelievable, but she actually bit in my nose. And you can't imagine how it hurts to be bitten by a baby, even though it has no teeth.
Now, not only my leg, which is still red and hurts [but the blisters had already left^^], also my nose is enourmes big and it has the same coloure like a tomato. "Hooooooot"
Okay, I have to come to an end, I think Anna had started crying.


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