Donnerstag, 19. März 2009

the problem is the baby xD

Oh yesterdays was the finest day ever!
Anna (my wife^^) gave our baby to another family to take care of it for one day.
And this one day was OUR day (oh yeah xD)
Yes, it was the Anna and Henryk day and it was one of the most gorgeous, beautifl and lovely day I've ever had!
Sorry, I mean that WE ever had!
Anna and me spent the whole day together and it seemed like it had been the times before we've got the baby.
Well, please don't get me wrong, but without the baby we had so much more time for us and the nice things in life.
But now.. there's this baby... well, I like it very much, but it's tearing Anna an me apart... :(
Uhm... don't know what to write now...

Never mind, see you soon



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